This article in Forbes by Brian Domitrovic details how historians (and other Liberals) tend to nitpick the outliers of aspects of Reagan's presidency, while ignoring the reduction of unemployment, inflation, and "malaise" while at the same time standing up to their beloved Soviet Union, which crumbled officially in 1989. In the early 80's this was not a foregone conclusion. Reagan came into office in January of 1981 with high unemployment, an economy in recession, and a high "misery index." He left with America on the upswing.
In 2007, writing in the wake of a slew of books that had just come out on the end of the Cold War, historian and author Steven F. Hayward noted the following: “With these works, the literature on Reagan’s foreign policy is more or less complete—until additional classified documents are released or new Soviet sources are revealed. By contrast, the story of Reagan’s domestic policy remains clouded and obscure, in part because we are still wrestling with many of the same issues today—tax cuts, trade and budget deficits, globalization, affirmative action, and the rest of the culture war.”
Not much has changed. We are still waiting for our massive academic establishment to produce histories of Reagan’s domestic policy – particularly his economic policy – commensurate with its significance. What I wrote in 2009 in my own book on the history of supply-side economics, Econoclasts, is applicable today: “There does not appear to be one scholarly book or article, in the discipline of history, on the topic of supply-side economics that has called on and analyzed the relevant complement of primary sources. Not one.”
So what is passing for scholarly opinion on Reaganomics these days? Comments such as this, which appeared two weeks ago in the New York Times, care of Rutgers history professor James Livingston: “The architects of the Reagan revolution tried to reverse…trends as a cure for the stagflation of the 1970s, but couldn’t.”
Here is an implication that the Reagan Revolution did not solve stagflation. It is notwithstanding these facts: as Reagan’s reforms got put into practice in the 1980s, unemployment fell from 11% to 5%, inflation went down from 14% to 2%, growth boomed at 4.3% per year, and stocks tripled.
Livingston identified himself to Times readers “as an economic historian who has been studying American capitalism for 35 years.” And he went on to contend that “private investment isn’t even necessary to promote growth.”
Livingston’s weird and misleading Times column, called “It’s Consumer Spending, Stupid,” is reflective of a deeper problem. It’s the problem of to what lengths our top historians will go to misrepresent if not ignore the Reagan Revolution – in particular its manifest successes.
Last year, Livingston released a book, The World Turned Inside Out, about trends in intellectual history and culture over the closing decades of the twentieth century. It began with a chapter ruminating on the history of supply-side economics.
This chapter deployed a now-classic strategy of big-name historians’ (Princeton’s Sean Wilentz and Daniel Rodgers use it too) when dealing with the Reagan Revolution: focus on its outliers. Livingston expended pages canvassing the career of George Gilder, 1981 bestseller Wealth and Poverty author, as the meat of his presentation on supply-side economics. Lots of points were scored in portraying supply-side economics as oddball, in that Gilder’s previous work was a full-throated dismissal of feminism.
At last Livingston made a list of supply-siders, and tellingly the name of Robert A. Mundell, the 1999 Nobel laureate and intellectual lodestar of supply-side economics, was not given.
Not only is this the same unconscionable omission that Rodgers made in hisAge of Fracture earlier this year, it made tenuous Livingston’s specific claims: “[The supply-siders’] argument never made any sense…but the arithmetic was beside the point.” Mundell was the greatest practitioner of economic geometry of his era, and the equations behind the graphs that first outlined the supply-side solution in the 1960s were gone over in the official Nobel Prize discussions of Mundell’s work.
You don’t make this kind of mistake if you commit to reading sources. But did Livingston read sources to compose his history of supply-side economics? The signs are not good. In the Introduction, Livingston avowed that “This book takes supply-side economics and South Park equally seriously.”
Invariably this does not mean applying rigorous historiographical discovery to the phenomenon of South Park (the profane cartoon on television), but rather to apply South Park-like heedlessness to the phenomenon of supply-side economics. Thanks a lot, James Livingston.
The failure to take sources seriously inevitably leads to major factual errors. For example, The World Turned Inside Out has it that “marginal tax rates on corporate and individual incomes were cut substantially (by half) in 1981.” In fact, corporate rates were not cut at all, and personal rates went down a phased-in 23%. A passing acquaintance with the iconic Reagan tax law, the Economic Recovery and Tax Act of 1981, would have corrected this doozy.
From time to time I visit the Ronald Reagan archives in California, where I learn that there’s little interest among visiting researchers in the tax cut files of the Reagan presidency, even though these files have been open and available since 1994. Rather, there is capacious interest in things like Central America policy, even as Nicaragua has reverted to its natural status as a global footnote. It’s funny what responsibilities you can’t count on our huge historical establishment to fulfill.